Modernizations & Custom Creations
Type Changes / Additions
???-Types (Mystery-Type)
- Made into a unique type that has no weaknesses other than Normal Type.
- ???-Type moves have no resistances, but aren’t super effective against any type, either.
- Normal Type moves are Super Effective against ???-Type Vinemon.
- Defense is boosted in Hail
Battle UI Changes / Additions
- The Battle UI will indicate if a move used on an opposing Vinemon will be effective or not, once you’ve seen them, based on their +, -, or = icon as well as color indication. Vinemon are considered seen when caught or defeated.
- Badly Poisoned status now has a unique Icon in battle.
Item Changes
- Evolution Stones work in Battle.
- EV reducing berries will reduce the EV in question by 4 each use.
- EV increasing wings will increase the EV in question by 4 each use.
- Vitamins increase the EV in question by 20 each use.
- Modified berries that heal HP but cause confusion if it doesn't like the taste, to heal for the same HP constants as the modern games (was 1/8th of health, 1/4 if Ripen is active, and now heals for 1/3, or 2/3s if Ripen is active)
- VineRadar (PokeRadar) doesn’t require a charge and chains can result in evolved Vinemon showing up if you beat up/catch their pre-evolutions.
- Ability Capsule: Allows the Vinemon to cycle between all their abilities (including Hidden Abilities.)
- Escape Rope is a Key Item.
- The game will ask if you wish to use another Repel when the effects of the previous one run out, if you have any more Repels in your bag.
- Berserk Gene is able to be planted like any other berry.
Battle AI Changes / Additions
- Wild Vinemon battle AI upgrades after the 2nd Gym Badge to Trainer Level AI, and if the levels of the wild Vinemon are level 20 or above.
- The game has several skill levels of AI, some smarter, some that involve taking your party/moves/stats/held items/abilities into account.
- Certain Trainers will have special programming act as unique “bosses” for battles incorporating fun and interesting mechanics that reside outside of the normal Vinemon, Items, and Ability mechanics features
Battle Mechanic Changes / Additions
- The Shiny Encounter rate is 6%, by default.
- The Corruption Encounter rate is 3% by default.
- The Vinerus (Pokerus) can be found at a 6% encounter rate.
- Wild Vinemon now can be found with both regular and hidden abilities in the wild.
- Wild Vinemon now can now be encountered holding items. When defeated those items may drop after the battle.
- Light Ball will work on Rabbuzz.
- Thick Club will work on Boomish and Droloom.
- Metal Powder and Quick Powder work on a Transformed Cognitto.
- Poison does not cause damage outside of battle.
- Evolution can happen mid-battle if their requirements are met.
- NPCs may use Rare Candies and evolution stones to proc evolution after 1-turn if held in battle.
- The player can use Rare Candies and evolution stones from the bag mid-battle to evolve their Vinemon.
- Rare Candies can’t be knocked off.
- Items that are consumed in battle are now a one-time use item that is restored after a battle (Berries and Food items aren’t restored after a battle.)
- The Safari Zone doesn’t involve the minigame. Battles in the zone occur just as they do outside the zone. You’re given 30 Fren Balls and can use these in the zone, and you give them back after. You can find Fren Balls throughout the zone that can be used outside the zone. The zone contains several biomes which have their own encounter tables.
- Weather that does chip damage, will do damage based on their type’s resistance to the damage in question. Hail does Ice type damage. Sandstorm does Rock type damage.
- Harvest has the chance of double procing, if the user consumes their harvested item and they still fulfill the requirements of Harvest.
- If Vinemon are Asleep or Frozen, they’re 2.5x more likely to be caught. If Vinemon are affected by any other status, they’re 1.875x more likely to be caught
- Critical Capture mechanics are now dependent on how many Vinemon the player has SEEN, as opposed to Vinemon the player has caught
Misc. Changes
- The Vinegear will be one of the more important mechanics in the game. You’ll be able to check your Vinedex, current Quests, access PC Storage (once you have the proper Dex Card), as well as any minigames and online features.
- Online features include:
- Battling with other Trainers
- Trading with other Trainers
- Mystery Gift
- Pokemon Centers are now called 1UP Centers, and the Deli (PokeMarts) are now located inside.
- Walking into a 1UP Center now sets your respawn point after whiting out. No longer required to heal at a 1UP Center to do so.
- The player always faces down after speaking to a nurse, to mitigate speaking to them again by accident after healing.
- Move Relearner/Deleter is now located in Vinny’s PC at 1UP Center and ScumSoft PCs.
- TM’s have infinite uses.
- Fishing doesn’t require additional input in order to hook a catch.
- The Quest Log will allow you to keep track of where you are in the story as well as any other quests you may be on.
- Implemented the new Autosave functionality. Saves after all non-event wild battles, random trainer battle on routes, on entering and leaving 1-up centers, fly, escape rope, dig, gate houses, repel, dungeons, as well as prior to important lore areas when Autosave is enabled in options.
- Can have up to 10 total save files.
- Most Routes have random chance-based weather.
- Traded Vinemon will always obey the player in battle.
- Traded Vinemon can be nicknamed.
Move Overhauls & Stat Tweaks
BP Changes
- Struggle Bug has 50 BP, up from 30.
- Twineedle has 40 BP, up from 25.
- Fury Cutter has 40 BP, up from 20.
- Leech Life has 75 BP, up from 20.
- Pin Missile has 25 BP, up from 14.
- Assurance has 65 BP, up from 50.
- Knock Off has 60 BP, up from 20.
- Low Sweep has 65 BP, up from 60.
- Storm Throw has 50 BP, up from 40.
- Incinerate has 60 BP, up from 30.
- Fire Pledge has 80 BP, up from 50.
- Hex has 65 BP, up from 50.
- Lick has 40 BP, up from 20.
- Energy Ball has 90 BP, up from 80.
- Grass Pledge has 80 BP, up from 50.
- Snore is 60 BP, up from 40.
- Poison Sting has 30 BP, up from 15.
- Future Sight has 120 BP, up from 100.
- Luster Purge has 20 BP, up from 5.
- Mist Ball has 20 BP, up from 5.
- Synchronoise has 120 BP, up from 70.
- Power Gem has 80 BP, up from 70.
- Water Pledge is 80 BP, up from 50.
- Bubble is 40 BP, up from 20.
- Thief has 60 BP, up from 40.
- Wake Up Slap has 70 BP, up from 60.
- Air Cutter has 65 BP, up from 55.
- Vine Whip has 45 BP, up from 35.
- Techno Blast has 120 BP, up from 85.
- Smelling Salts has 70 BP, up from 60.
- Smog has 30 BP, up from 20.
- Rock Tomb has 65 BP, up from 50.
- Crabhammer has 100 BP, up from 90.
- Hidden Power has 60 BP, up from damage based on your IVs. Also changes to a Special move if it would deal more damage.
- Heal Pulse has 5 BP, down from 10.
- Frost Breath has 50 BP, down from 60.
- Meteor Mash has 95 BP, down from 100.
PP Changes
- Relic Song has 15 PP, up from 10.
- Thief has 25 PP, up from 10.
- Wake Up Slap has 15 PP, up from 10.
- Vine Whip has 25 PP, up from 15.
- Smelling Salts has 15 PP, up from 10.
- Rock Tomb has 15 PP, up from 10.
- Roost has 5 PP, down from 10.
- Milk Drink has 5 PP, down from 10.
- Pain Split has 10 PP, down from 20.
- Recover has 5 PP, down from 10.
- Slack Off has 5 PP, down from 10.
- Softboiled has 5 PP, down from 10.
- Substitute has 5 PP, down from 10.
- Wish has 5 PP, down from 10.
- Dream Eater has 10 PP, down from 15.
- Heal Block has 10 PP, down from 15.
- Rest has 5 PP, down from 10.
- Heal Order has 5 PP, down from 10.
Accuracy Changes
- Will-o-Wisp has 85% accuracy, up from 75.
- Bounce has 95% accuracy, up from 85.
- Icicle Crash has 100% accuracy, up from 90.
- Fury Swipes is 95% accuracy, up from 80.
- Glare is 100% accuracy, up from 90.
- Gunk Shot has 85% accuracy, up from 70.
- Poison Gas has 90% accuracy, up from 80.
- Psycho Shift has 100% accuracy, up from 90.
- Rollout has 95% accuracy, up from 90.
- Muddy Water has 100% accuracy, up from 85.
- Smog has 90% accuracy, up from 70.
- Rock Tomb has 95% accuracy, up from 80.
- Meteor Mash has 90% accuracy, up from 85.
- Crabhammer has 95% accuracy, up from 90.
- Swagger has 85% Accuracy, down from 90.
Move Reclassifications
Wind Moves
- Gust is considered a wind move.
- Tailwind is considered a wind move.
- Ominous Wind is considered a wind move.
- Hurricane is considered a wind move.
- Ice Burn is considered a wind move.
- Blizzard is considered a wind move.
- Icy Wind is considered a wind move.
- Razor Wind is considered a wind move.
- Whirlwind is considered a wind move.
- Sandstorm is considered a wind move.
- Air Cutter is considered a wind move.
- Defog is considered a wind move.
Slicing Moves
- X-Scissor is considered a slicing move.
- Air Cutter is considered a slicing move.
- Slash is considered a slicing move.
- Leaf Blade considered a slicing move.
- Razor Leaf is considered a slicing move.
- Cross Poison is considered a slicing move.
- Psycho Cut is considered a slicing move.
- Razor Shell is considered a slicing move.
- Aerial Ace is considered a slicing move.
- Solar Blade is considered a slicing move.
- Sacred Sword is considered a slicing move
- Night Slash is considered a slicing move.
- Air Slash is considered a slicing move.
- Solar Blade is considered a slicing move.
Dance Moves
- Feather Dance is considered a dance move.
- Petal Dance is considered a dance move.
- Swords Dance is considered a dance move.
- Teeter Dance is considered a dance move.
- Lunar Dance is considered a dance move.
Powder Moves
- Powder Snow is considered a powder move.
- Powder is considered a powder move.
Sound Moves
- Heal Bell is considered a sound move.
- Howl is considered a sound move.
Additional Move Changes
- X-Scissor has a high critical hit rate.
- Rock Crush (Previously Rock Smash), has a 100% chance to lower defense, from 50%.
- Defog removes all barriers, terrains, and stage hazards when used.
- Techno Blast no longer influenced by Drive items.
- Slash does 50% more damage when holding the Great Fairy Sword.
- Captivate lowers the attack stat severely (3 stages) instead of harshly (2 stages.)
- Howl now involves the user’s side, instead of just the user.
- Magic Room has neutral move priority, up from -7.
- Teleport can be used in battle to run from battles and switch during trainer battles. Move has -7 priority when used in battle.
- Wonder Room has neutral move priority, up from -7.
- Aromatherapy will trigger the abilities Sap Sipper and Homebrewed.
- Growth has double the effect under Sunny weather.
- Camouflage will turn the user into ??? type when under Misty Terrain. Type will be randomized when under Corruption Terrain.
- Sleep Talk now ignores Rest.
- Metronome cannot select one-hit KO moves.
- Rest can be selected, but will fail to heal if Voodoo Doll is held, and the whole move will fail with All Night Mask.
- Fling has more items that can have additional effects. (See "Unique Flingable Items and Their Bonus Effects" Guide in Downloads)
- Embargo prevents the player from using items from the bag in battle.
- Hail will cut physical damage taken by Ice types, similar to how Sandstorm cuts special damage taken by Rock types.
- Stockpile will cause Bunjamin to transform into their Stuffed form, which will raise base stats and give them Bulletproof as an ability.
- Heal Block will prevent any sort of healing on those affected by it. This includes effects such as Aqua Ring and Leftovers.
- Ghost type version of Curse will not tick damage if the user is holding a Voodoo Doll.
80+ New Abilities:
Acid Trip - All moves used by the attacker deal special damage (think inverted Psyshock.)
Corruptions - Contact with the owner of this ability can cause random effects (Status Ailments, Lowered Stats, damage.) When the user is in the first party slot, ??? types encounter rate on a particular route buffed by 50%
Danger Zone - Lays down a layer of Spikes on send-out.
Ball Pit - Lays down a layer of Toxic Spikes on send-out.
Dark Aura - Powers up Dark type moves used by the owner of this ability by 33%.
Heart of Fire - The owner of this ability burns themselves on send-out. They also heal by 1/8th HP each turn and don’t have their Attack Stat reduced while burned.
Speen - The owner of this ability will clear all entry hazards on send-out.
1337Hax - The owner of this ability can’t miss with their moves.
Blight - The owner of this ability will power up Poison-type moves in a pinch.
Thunderhand - The owner of this ability will increase the power of their Electric-type moves by 50%
Slime Stack - Both slimes attack in unison. Deals Normal damage, and then 50% additional damage. Moves with additional effects can also trigger on the 2nd hit.
Knife Talk - All moves used by the attacker deal physical damage (think Psyshock.)
Screen Cleaner - The owner of this ability will remove Reflect, Light Screen, and Aurora Veil on send-out.
Focus - The owner of this ability will have their Sp. Attack raised while afflicted with a status ailment.
Soul Steal - The owner of this ability will raise their Attack stat by one stage, and heal themselves by 33% when they knock out an opposing Vinemon. When the user is in the first party slot, Ghost types encounter rate on a particular route buffed by 50%.
Ungrounded - The owner of this ability can hit Ground-type Vinemon with Electric-type moves. When the user is in the first party slot, Ground types encounter rate on a particular route buffed by 50%.
Ethereal - The owner of this ability is immune to contact moves.
Beam Aura - The owner of this ability will increase the power of their Electric-type moves by 50% and opposing contact moves can paralyze the attacker.
Toxiquip - The owner of this ability will increase the power of their Poison-type moves by 50% and opposing contact moves can poison the attacker. The owner of this ability also gets healed by holding a Black Sludge item.
Pernio Frost - The owner of this ability freezes themselves on send-out. They also attack while frozen. Opposing Vinemon will take 1/8th of their Max HP in damage each turn they are frozen. When the user is in the first party slot, Ice types encounter rate on a particular route buffed by 50%.
Stuffed - The owner of this ability will take ½ damage while they’re at full HP.
Gravity Field - The owner of this ability will use the move Gravity on send-out. Vinemon under the effects of Gravity are considered grounded, allowing them to be hit by Ground-type moves. The Levitate ability, effects of Magnet Rise or Telekinesis, Air Balloon, or Fleeb, will not prevent Ground-type moves from hitting. Vinemon under the effects of Gravity will also have their evasion stat reduced by 2 stages. Vinemon can’t use the following moves under Gravity: Bounce, Fly, Flying Press, High Jump Kick, Jump Kick, Magnet Rise, Splash and Telekinesis. The owner of Gravity Field is immune to the forced grounding and decreased Evasion caused by its own Gravity
Elegiac Eddy - The owner of this ability will use the move Trick Room on send-out. Trick Room reverses the move order within each priority bracket so that Vinemon with a lower Speed stat attack first, while those with a higher Speed stat will attack last. Individual brackets are still maintained; moves in higher priority brackets still work before moves in lower ones regardless of Trick Room.
Ra Power - The owner of this ability will set up a unique terrain. Ra Power will increase the damage of Fire-type moves by 50% while in effect. Non-Airborne Fire-type Vinemon will also take 1/16th of their Max HP in damage each turn. When the user is in the first party slot, Fire types encounter rate on a particular route buffed by 50%
Uplifting - The owner of this ability will use the move Tailwind on send-out. Tailwind will raise the speed stats of the Vinemon on the owner’s side by 1 stage while in effect. When the user is in the first party slot, Flying types encounter rate on a particular route buffed by 50%.
Ricochet - The owner of this ability will damage any attacker for 33% of the damage that it receives from a special attack.
Rock Lobber - owner of this ability will use the move Stealth Rock on send-out. Stealth Rock will damage Vinemon that are sent-out on the opposing side relative to their resistance to Rock-type moves, averaging 1/8th of Max HP if normally affected by Rock-type moves.
Spurts - The owner of this ability will use the move Water Sport on send-out. Water Sport reduces the base power of Fire-type moves by 67% on both sides in battle.
Mud Bath - The owner of this ability will use the move Mud Sport on send-out. Mud Sport reduces the base power of Electric-type moves by 67% on both sides in battle.
Love Field - The owner of this ability will set up a unique terrain. Love Field weakens Dragon-type moves and protects non-airborne Vinemon from status problems.
Forest Field - The owner of this ability will set up a unique terrain. Forest Field will boost Grass-type moves by 50% and heal non-airborne Vinemon by 1/16th of their Max HP at the end of each round.
Static Field - The owner of this ability will set up a unique terrain. Static Field will boost Electric-type moves by 50% and will prevent non-airborne Vinemon from falling asleep.
Shadow Realm - The owner of this ability will set up a unique terrain. Shadow Realm boosts Dark-type moves by 50% and will lower the evasiveness of non-airborne, non-Dark and non-Ghost Vinemon.
Corrupt Zone - The owner of this ability will set up a unique terrain. Corrupt Zone boosts ???-type moves and all non-airborne non-??? type Vinemon are more susceptible to secondary effects of moves.
Moonage Dwam - The owner of this ability will use the move Safeguard on send-out. Safeguard will prevent status ailments from being applied while in effect.
Fire Policy - The owner of this ability cannot be affected by Fire-type moves.
Flood Policy - The owner of this ability cannot be affected by Water-type moves.
Quake Policy - The owner of this ability cannot be affected by Ground-type moves.
Tornado Policy - The owner of this ability cannot be affected by Flying-type moves.
Lactation - The owner of this ability can find dairy-based items at the end of battle.
Wrath of God - The owner of this ability will cure itself of status ailments on send-out, float in the air for 5 turns, and damage the attacker that knocks them out equal to their remaining HP.
Mysterious - The owner of this ability will turn all their Normal-type moves into ???-type moves and boost their damage by 50%.
Happy Day - The owner of this ability cannot be affected by critical hits for a time.
Killer Instinct - The owner of this ability causes all Fighting-type moves to hit for a time.
Haunted - The owner of this ability will curse the opponent if they were knocked out by a contact move. The curse will deal ¼ of their Max HP each turn.
Nimble - The owner of this ability is unaffected by entry hazards.
Sticky Keys - The owner of this ability will use the move Sticky Web. Opposing Vinemon sent-out will have their speed lowered by 1 stage.
Duloc Schlock - The owner of this ability will use the Swamp effect. Opposing Vinemon will have their speed reduced by 33% while the swamp is in effect.When the user is in the first party slot, Poison types encounter rate on a particular route buffed by 50%.
Jackpot - The owner of this ability will double the amount of money earned at the end of trainer battles.
Salvage - The owner of this ability can recycle man-made consumable items between rounds. If Corruption Terrain is in effect, the consumable items will always be recycled. Man-made items are considered: Cell Battery, Air Balloon, Weakness Policy, Blunder Policy, Climate Policy, Focus Sash, Eject Pack, Berserk Gene, Snowglobe, Sponge, Sponge Game, Toilet Paper Roll, Throat Spray, Tubby Custard, and Screw Attack.
Return Volley - The owner of this ability will reflect any Bomb-flagged moves back at the attacker. If both Vinemon have this ability, the Vinemon that initiated the attack will succeed, and deal 3x damage to the opponent.
Delivery - The owner of this ability will give their held-item to the opponent if they’re not currently holding an item.
Terrorize - The owner of this ability will lower the Sp. Attack stat of the opposing Vinemon by 1 stage
Deified - The owner of this ability will be unaffected by hold items or opposing Vinemon’s abilities.
Silverhanded - The owner of this ability will get +1 priority on all damaging attacks with 40 base power or lower.
Pasta Power - The owner of this ability will have their Fire-type moves deal 30% more damage, but their accuracy will be lowered by 10%. Ice-type moves will also deal 30% less damage to the owner of this ability.
Teal Zeal - The owner of this ability will have their moves deal more damage with each successive use. If the owner of this ability is also holding a Metronome, their moves will have +1 priority.
Homebrew’d - If the owner of this ability is hit by a Grass-type move, they will have their HP restored by 25% of their Max HP.
Vigilante - If the owner of this ability attacks first, their moves will deal 30% more damage.
It Just Works - Contact with the owner of this ability can cause random effects (Status Ailments, Lowered Stats.)
Papercut - The owner of this ability will power up all their moves in a pinch.
Borglar Split - The owner of this ability will hit twice with all their moves, but at half power each.
Fall Out - The owner of this ability will force any opposing Vinemon to switch, if they afflict them with a status ailment. You cannot use moves or items to self-inflict these ailments to proc this ability.
Steelworks - The owner of this ability will have a 20% chance to have their Steel-type moves deal double damage. If double damage is dealt this way, PP of the selected move will be reduced by 2 instead of 1. Will still reduce by 1 if only 1 PP remains.
Wicked Brew - The owner of this ability will deal 50% more damage for their special moves if they’re poisoned.
Obstinate - If the owner of this ability were to lose stats from an opponent’s move or ability, they’ll gain +2 Sp. Attack stages.
Motion Senser - If the opponent has moved before you this round, the user will retaliate and deal 1/16th of the target's max HP in damage at the end of the round.
R.P.S. Mode - The owner of this abilities Steel type moves are now super effective against Grass types and not very effective against Rock types.
Silencing Surge - If the owner of this ability is sent out, a soundproof room appears, preventing sound based moves from working for 5 turns.
Catch Up - The owner of this ability has halved Attack and Speed for 3 turns when sent out.
Blademaster - The owner’s Slicing Moves have a 20% power boost and +1 Critical Hit chance.
Bum Rush - The owner’s Speed and Attack stats are multiplied by 1.5x and 1.2x respectively- but only for their first turn on the field
Catalyst - Each time you're damaged by an attack, your Sp. Def will increase by 1 stage.
Curl Up - On send out, raise the user's Defense by one stage and apply the Defense Curl buff.
Desert Cloak - Within a Sandstorm, this Ability’s owner and its allies gain immunity towards Status effects and the secondary effects of opposing moves.
Dreamweaver - This Abilities owner deals double damage against sleeping targets. Nightmares inflicted by the owner deal ⅓ of the target’s health per turn.
Insulation - Reduce incoming physical or special damage by 33%.
Liquid Voice - Sound based moves become Water type moves and will deal 50% more damage.
Marbled Gleam - Under Harsh Sunlight, the owner of this Ability and their allies have their Attack and Special Defense increased by 1.5x.
Opportunist - Opposing Stat Buffs will be automatically mirrored by the Ability’s owner.
Pocket Sand - Lowers the Accuracy of the opposing side by 1 Stage on send-out.
Stasis - Immune to Rock-type moves and Stealth Rock. When the user is in the first party slot, Rock types encounter rate on a particular route buffed by 50%.
Windsurfer - Wind Moves used by opponents are redirected towards the Ability’s owner, raising the owner’s Speed by 1 Stage instead of dealing damage.
Dishearten - Lowers the Defense of the opposing side by 1 Stage on send-out.
Bug-nado - Summons a Primal Weather that removes Bug-Type’s weaknesses. Remains active for as long as the Ability’s owner is present, and cannot be overridden by any other Weather.
Anesthetize - Contact with an owner spreads the Ability, bundled with a 30% chance to Poison. Anesthetized Vinemon regain their original Abilities upon leaving the field.
80+ New Items:
Stone Mask - Raises the holder’s Atk by 1 stage. Physical Damage will also heal the holder of this item by a quarter of the damage dealt. Holder also takes ¼ of their Max HP each turn during the sun.
Reversal Band - Swaps the holders Attack and Defense stats.
Doodle Pen - To be held by doodled Vinemon. Raises Sp. Atk while also boosting Evasion.
Tails' Tails - An item to be held by SCROBIUS. Increases the holder's critical-hit ratio.
Syrup Spoon - An item to be held by PUGCAKES that makes 'Sticky Mess' have higher priority.
Volt Shroom - If the holder of this takes contact damage, the attacker will also take ELECTRIC damage.
Nature Mint - Allows the Vinemon to cycle between all natures.
10 Bluparrows - An item to be held by a Vinemon. Damage done by the Vinemon is increased by 30% at the expense of not being allowed to switch out. You can’t earn money in battle when this effect is applied during a battle.
Boomerang - A held item that is thrown at the end of the turn. It comes back the next turn and damages opponents. A Vinemon can catch this and throw it again if they’re not holding an item. Will fail to return in the presence of high gravity or strong winds.
Devolution Gun - When used on a Vinemon, they will go back a stage in evolution. Can’t be used if they’re already on their earliest stage.
Corruption Blade - An item to be held by a Vinemon. It ignores stat changes during damage calculation.
Smoke Ball - A Vine Ball that makes caught Vinemon run from all wild battles.
Corrupt Ball - A Vine Ball that corrupts caught Vinemon. It will also capture the Vinemon without fail.
Chrono Trigger - It revives all fainted Vinemon. In doing so, it also fully restores their HP and PP. Can’t be used in battle.
Power Ball - A Vine Ball that makes caught Vinemon gain experience points faster.
Berserk Gene - An item to be held by a Vinemon. Boosts Attack but causes Confusion…
Tintinnabulum - An item to be held by a Vinemon. The holder's HP is gradually restored in and out of battle.
Poltergust - A hold item for LUIGI. Doubles money gain after battle. Ghosts are easier to catch in Vineballs while this is in effect.
Kappa Kaw'fee - An item to be held by a KAPPA. Mud Bath's effect lasts longer.
Scooter - An item to be held by the SCOOT line. Boosts Speed when held.
Cat's Eye Marble - A held item for OCERYLPH. It boosts power of Bug- and Psychic-type moves.
Blue Coin - An item to be held by a Vinemon. That last blue coin you could never find, raises evasion by 1 stage.
Frog Coin - An item to be held by BUNJAMIN that makes 'Stockpile' have higher priority.
Banoon - An item to be held by BANYANYA that makes 'Banyanya Peel' always critically hit.
Soul Lantern - An item to be held by DRUZINATOS that allows opponent's burns to heal the holder.
Franklin Badge - The bearer reflects all incoming ELECTRIC-type attacks back at the foe.
Fleeb - The holder will float in the air until hit, causing it to burst, lowering Speed and dealing damage.
Floating Phone - An item to be held by a Vinemon. It is a stone tablet that boosts the power of ???-type moves.
Plain Spaghetti - Spaghetti to be held by TOMATOMON. Negates the effect of the 'Catch Up' ability.
Yoshi Coin - An item to be held by a Vinemon. Sound-based moves deal 20% more damage. Chirps…
Luxury Binky - An item to be held by a Vinemon. Damaging moves that drain health deal 30% more damage.
Emochi - An item to be held by MOCHARE. Randomly raises and lowers a stat 1 stage.
Friendly Flan - An item to be held by a Vinemon. Contact with the holder can infatuate!
Fruity Juice - When held, if attacked, unleashes SUNNY DAY, then breaks…
Peach Milk - Milked from fresh free-range peaches. Maxes out a move's total PP.
Peach Cheese - Made from fresh Peach Milk. When used, restores half of the user's Max HP.
Funny Spores - A bag of colorful mushroom spores. Powder moves have +1 priority!
Toilet Paper Roll - Soft and absorbant. Wipes away any stat reduction effects as they come.
Chomped Cheese - A half-eaten chunk of Peach Cheese. Restores Vinemon's PP of a move by 10 PP.
Snow Globe - 1998's long-awaited Vinesauce Vidja Snowglobe! When held, if attacked, unleashes HAIL, then breaks…
Poison Hat-Crab - A hold item that raises DEF but badly poisons the holder.
Drifting Con - A hold item that reduces the holder’s accuracy! Someone must have just gotten new ones…
Bombed Gameboy - It survived a literal war. Still functions, prevents usage of self-destructing moves.
Spinning Top - It spins and spins! The move, Turbo Spin, deals 50% more base damage when held.
Fairy Sword - A hold item that ignores disabling effects, and restores 1/16th of Max HP each turn.
Love Loupe - A hold item that allows moves to pass through foe's barriers.
Climate Policy - Raises Defense/Sp.Def if damaged in the presense of weather.
Cracked Orb - An item to be held by a Vinemon. It boosts Speed by 30%, but at the cost of some HP on each hit.
Cry Berry - An item to be held by a Vinemon. It causes you to cry, protecting you from powder-based moves.
All-Night Mask - Makes the wearer unable to fall asleep. Ever. Created as an instrument of torture.
Voodoo Doll - An item to be held by a Vinemon. The holder can't receive healing from moves/abilities.
Type Ball - A Vine Ball for catching Vinemon that are the same Type as your Vinemon.
Gold Ball - A Vine Ball. Maxes happiness when caught and will double money after battle if the contained Vinemon is part of battle.
Weight Ball - A Vine Ball that makes the caught Vinemon gain double the amount of EVs after battle.
Biggoron Sword - An item to be held by a Vinemon. Contact moves deal 25% more damage on Critical.
Sponge - An item to be held by a Vinemon. It stops a single Water-type attack.
Football - A held item that's thrown at the end of turn. Damages for 25% if foe is unarmed. LUIGI didn't make it.
Sponge Game - An item to be held by a Vinemon. It stops a single Electric-type attack.
Bucket - A bucket that stops an incoming Fire- or Water-type attack. This fills the bucket and transforms!
Bucket of Water - A bucket full of water. Deals heavy damage when thrown with FLING and will freeze!
Bucket of Lava - A bucket full of lava. Deals heavy damage when thrown with FLING and will burn!
Koopa Bathwater - Bowser's signature Bath Water. When held, if attacked, unleashes RAIN DANCE, then breaks…
Breadward - A Pixl made of oats and lard. Generates a slice of plain bread that replenishes 1HP every turn when held.
Spectre Boots - An item to be held by a Vinemon. Allows you to Levitate and Fly/Bounce don't need a turn to charge.
Screw Attack - Samus's trusty Screw Attack! Deals heavy damage when thrown with FLING and will flinch!
Batter's Bat - An item to be held by the HOLLOWMITE-line. Increases the holder's critical-hit ratio.
Birdo Plunger - Just a normal plunger that wipes away field effects on send-out. It's well-used.
Tubby Custard - A sloppy pink sauce. Lowers foe's SPEED on contact. When held, restores 70 HP when below 75% HP.
Dinner - Contains a single chip with extra air. Pops and lays SPIKES on contact.
V.T.A.C. Boost - The Valuable Training Advancement Chemical. Boosts EXP gain for a time.
Corruption Shades - A pair of shades that double chances of finding Corrupted Vinemon.
Royal Jelly - A slick jelly to be held by APIBAE. Allows Levitation. Additionally, Honey Slather won't reduce Speed.
Comfy Blanket - The world's comfiest hold item. The Vinemon holding it can't be frozen.
Dream Ball - A Vine Ball for catching Vinemon that are asleep.
Malocchio Knife - A ceremonial knife to be held by a Vinemon. Damages and locks a foe into battle.
Ability Shield - A hold item that protects the holder from having its Ability changed.
Loaded Dice - A hold item that will 'high-roll' multi-hit moves.
Mirror Herb - A hold item that copies any foe's raised stats in battle.
Myachi - When held, if attacked, unleashes SANDSTORM, then breaks...
Punching Glove - A hold item increases the damage of punching moves by 20%.
Anti-Max Vitamins - When used, reduce the selected IV to 0.
Pocket Moai - A large rocky head that's expressing its passion. Prevents recoil damage when held.
160+ New Moves:
Feather Hammer - The target is hammered with a large wing. Critical hits land more easily.
Frozen Flames - The user shoots an icicle barrage at its target. It may also leave the target with a burn.
Astral Infection - Unleashes a horribly toxic wave that has a high chance of badly poisoning.
Bowser Blaster - The user attacks the target with a pulse of Bowsers. It may also confuse the target.
Manslave - The user shoots a submissive Vinemon at the target. It may also confuse the target.
Hellswarm - The target is hit by a swarm of stinging wasps. It may also leave the target confused.
Silk Screen - The user encases itself in silk to raise its Defense and Sp. Def stats.
Dominate - The user asserts its dominance on the target, reducing its Attack and Sp. Attack stats.
Arc Bolt - The user fires a bolt of lightning that can arc two to five times in a row.
Impart Dart - The user fires a bolt bullet at the target. It will also leave the target with paralysis.
Awaiting Sky - The user comes to meet you and blows your mind! It also cuts the user's Defense and Sp. Def.
Peekaboo - An attack that hits first and makes the target flinch. It only works the first turn the user is in battle.
Heatvision - The user fires lasers out of its eyes. This attack never misses.
Burbomb - The user flies high into the air and dives. Building up more power, it raises the user's Speed stat.
Voidwind - The user fires a vortex of wind at the foe. This reduces the target's Speed.
Landslide - No escape from reality. It may also make the targets flinch.
Northstar Fist - The user delivers an almighty blow. This attack always results in a critical hit.
Frostbite - The user coats its jaws in ice. It may also make the target flinch or leave it burned.
Cumulus Stream - The user unleashes a wave of cumulus clouds. It hits all but the user.
Biohazard - The user rampages and attacks for two to three turns. It then becomes confused, however.
Feedback - Deals 20x damage where x is the number of buffs the opponent has.
Bullet Time - Hits 2-6 times.
Magnetic Shock - Deals Physical damage.
Doldredge - Steals opponents stat boosts then attacks.
Honey Slather - User heals to full and speed is lowered by 1 stage.
Plague of Doom - High chance of badly poisoning.
Nut Burst - Takes a turn to charge. Raises Atk/Def by 1 stage while charging, then attacks.
Frontrunner - Your Party attacks the opponent.
Maternity Ward - Protects the user from all moves. Also cures their status ailments and confusion.
Bagel Bite - Heals for ½ of the damage dealt.
Now That I’m Two - Hits twice.
Banyanya Peel - +3 Priority move that will always flinch.
THUNDERRRR! - 30% chance to paralyze.
Henlo, Goodbye - Attacks, and switches out with the chosen Vinemon.
Cyclone - Attacks over 5 turns, gaining power with each use.
Empyrean Gale - Lowers speed by 1 stage when used.
Tomato Toss - 30% chance to paralyze.
Chromaticize - Raises all stats by 1 stage, recharges next turn.
Static Shock - +1 priority move that always paralyzes.
I Can Do That! - Copies the last used move by the opponent, permanently.
Stool Sample - Applies a healing effect that restores 1/16th Max HP each turn. Prevents the user from switching.
Something Funny - Can confuse.
Barrel Roll - Grows more powerful with each successive hit.
Dire Slam - 30% chance to flinch.
Spore Burst - Can confuse.
Life From Loam - Averages HP between user and foe.
Bes’na Boardwalk - Also has a second typing based on the form of the attacker.
Mark o’da Beast - Lowers foes Def/Sp.Def prior to dealing damage.
Fecundity - Halves the foes current HP.
Sleight of Hand - +1 priority move that trades held item with foe.
Volt Sting - 30% chance to paralyze.
Solar Flare - Sets up Sunny Day, then deals damage.
Ink Volley - Lowers accuracy by 1 stage.
Bolt Rush - +2 priority.
Falcon Punch - A reduced priority move that will fail if hit. Also deals Fire-type damage.
Lascivious Eye - +1 priority move that prevents the target from fleeing and paralyzes them.
Geyser Burst - Super effective against Ice-type Vinemon.
System Restore - Restores ½ of your Max HP while resetting the stats of all Vinemon in the field.
Armor Pierce - Deals a flat 35% of the target’s Max HP in damage.
Loosy Goosy - Raises speed by 1 stage when used.
Lolly Lick - Grows more powerful with each successive hit.
Watery Grave - 30% chance to put the foe to sleep.
Backscatter - Attacks over 5 turns, gaining power with each use.
Sticky Mess - Lowers foe’s speed on use.
Sonic Grasp - Prevents foe from fleeing.
Cutting Edge - High chance of critically hitting.
Caltrops - Sets up a layer on spikes on the foe’s side and switches out with a chosen Vinemon.
Steal Wool - Steals foe’s held item while also raising user’s Def by 1 stage.
Turbo Spin - Removes entry hazards and raises user’s speed by 1 stage.
Sonic Shell - A +2 priority move.
Quickcycle - A +1 priority move that restores your previously consumed held item.
Razor Edge - High chance of critically hitting.
Beam Up - Bounces up high and lands on the foe on the next turn. 30% chance of paralyzing on landing.
Raving Mad - Attacks for 2-3 turns, confuses self after.
Molten Cheese - 50% chance to burn.
The Button - User faints on use.
Mushclamp - Can’t switch and takes damage for 4-5 turns.
Vine Grind - Hits twice.
Tri Fecta - 20% chance to burn, paralyze, or freeze.
Hailstrom - Sets up Hail, then deals damage.
Garbage Day - +3 Priority move that will always flinch.
Drain Fang - Heals for ½ of the damage dealt.
Work It - Boosts Atk/Speed by 1 stage.
Rotten Eggs - Confuses all Vinemon except the user.
Fullscreen - Sets up Reflect and Light Screen.
Cloud Burst - Sets up Rain Dance, then deals damage.
Bomb Volley - Hits twice and has a high chance of critically hitting.
Manic Shift - Confuses the target and lowers their evasion by 1 stage.
Crazy Slots - Damage varies in intensity. Deals more damage under Corrupt Terrain.
Sippy Cup - After switching out, next turn, the user switching in will heal by 1/2 of the previous users Max HP.
Depolydermy - Raises speed and evasiveness 1 stage. Weight class lowered. Removes any Substitutes on the opponent’s side of the field, if present.
Lethal Injection - 50% chance to badly poison.
Doodle Beam - Makes the foe drop their hold item.
420 No Scope - Lowers foe’s speed by 1 stage and ensures the user’s next move critically hits.
Flammenmantel - Low priority move that causes burning if hit by a contact move while charging, and then attacks.
Shadow Terrain - Lowers evasiveness of non-Dark non-Ghost, non-airborne Vinemon. Also Dark-type moves deal 50% more damage.
Concentration - User replaces their ability with Own Tempo, and raises their Accuracy and Critical Hit stages by 1.
Rabid Bite - Hits 2-5 times.
Play Dead - Priority move that will allow you to survive damaging attacks with at least 1 HP.
Manual Blast - Attack varies wildly in intensity.
Golddust - A cloud of sharp gold dust is shot at the foe to inflict damage.
Ten Points - Hits 6-10 times.
Inhale - Transforms into the target and consumes their held berry.
Ball Toss - 50% chance to badly poison.
Stalk - If the target is attempting to switch out, deal double damage, and raise user's Speed.
Layuppercut - Hits airborne semi-invulnerable targets.
Kooper Shell - 50% chance to lower Def by 1 stage.
Charbroil - High chance to critically hit.
Kil’Jestah - Will either confuse, paralyze, or infatuate the target. High chance to critically hit.
Mystic Wave - Lowers a random stat by 1 stage. High chance to critically hit.
Bolt Claw - High chance to critically hit.
Incision - Will lower Def by 2 stages.
Sonic Rush - The higher the user’s speed stages, the more damage this’ll deal.
Haboob Blitz - Sets up Sandstorm, then deals damage.
Dry Ice - Causes a burn or freeze.
Zap Punch - +1 priority move that’s super effective against Electric types.
The End - 50% chance to lower all the target’s stats by 1.
Spud Spout - Does double damage in the sun.
Cold Snap - Adds Ice typing to the target.
Purge - Deals damage and heals HP based on the number of stacks of Stockpile.
Beelzebite - Infects the target with maggots, causing 1/6.66 damage and healing for the same amount, each turn.
Channel - Will use a random Ghost-type move.
Draining Kiss - Heals for ½ of the damage dealt.
Moonblast - 30% chance to lower Sp. Atk by 1 stage.
Parabolic Arc - Heals for ½ of the damage dealt.
Play Rough - 30% chance to lower Atk by 1 stage.
White Noise - Prevents sound-based moves for 2 turns (this is also a sound based move.)
Blind Shot - 30% chance to flinch.
Take a Shot - Restores the user’s HP by half of their Max HP.
Innervation - Raises Atk/Sp.Atk/Speed by 2 stages and sleeps for 2 turns.
Frigerate - Freeze the target.
Bolstering Wish - The user faints and the Vinemon switching in will have all their stats raised by 1 stage.
Corrupt Terrain - Boosts ???-type moves by 50% and all non-airborne non-??? type Vinemon are more susceptible to secondary effects of moves.
Slush Fund - Earn money after each battle this is used in.
Mind Trick - The user switches their Sp. Atk with their Sp. Def.
Automic Gift - Uses held berry to deal damage. Held berry determines type and power.
Rapture - 100% chance to flinch. Move’s accuracy will be halved with each use. Doesn't cause flinching if used in succession.
Blackhole - Can’t miss. Removes entry hazards on your side.
Mystery Fist - The target is slugged by a mysterious force in the shape of a fist.
Noice Crush - Deals 40 additional damage each time the move is used, up to 120 BP.
Mystery Slam - A physical attack in which the user charges and slams into the target with its whole body.
Suplex - Deals more damage the lighter the user is.
Inverno - 100% chance to freeze.
Rend - Deals Damage equal to your Attack minus the foe’s Defense (can result in 0 damage.)
Freikugel - Always hits, but will hit yourself for double damage on the last PP use.
Heretical Dance - Boosts Sp. Atk and Speed by 1 stage.
Pass On - User gains the Ghost typing and eliminates their stat changes.
Cleave - Foe’s stat changes don’t affect damage dealt.
Thaw Out - User replaces their Ice typing with Water typing.
Tax Evasion - User raises their Evasion by 2 stages and money is earned after battle.
Refuse - Uses Defense for damage calculation.
Iron Slag - Uses Defense for damage calculation.
Psy-kick - If the move misses, the user hurts themselves.
Levin Fury - If the user misses, if the foe can be, they’re burned.
Sneer - Lowers the foe’s Atk stat by 1 stage.
Sacked Sanity - 30% chance to confuse.
Void Call - Raises the Sp. Atk stat to max in exchange for ½ their Max HP.
Delucidate - 30% chance to confuse.
Soundproof Room - The user creates an anechoic chamber in which Vinemon can't use sound-based moves for 5 turns.
Ghastly Swipe - The user holds back and attacks the opponent, always leaving at least 1 HP.
Realboot - The user makes their delusions reality. Can raise or lower yours or the foes Attack and Sp. Atk.
Crashtrophe - Any Vinemon that hears this song faints in one turn, unless it switches out of battle.
Wraith Rend - The user locks the target away in a ghastly show of force. It may also curse the target.
Acid Reflux - Attacks by licking at the target with a powerful acidic substance. It also harshly lowers Sp.Def.
Chrome Chitin - To inflict massive damage, the user leaves their carapace, replacing their BUG typing with STEEL.
Rising Voltage - The user attacks with rising electricity. Move's power is doubled if Electric Terrain is present.
Wave Crash - The user shrouds itself in water and charges at the foe. The user also takes damage.
Frenzied Rush - The user attacks with frenzied force. The higher the user's Speed, the higher the damage.
Mirage Veil - Reduces damage from physical and special moves for five turns. Can be used only in a sandstorm.
Janus Swipe - A restrained attack that prevents the target from fainting. The target is left with at least 1 HP.
Burning Stare - A +1 priority move that burns the target.
Silk Song - A sound based move that raises defense when used (doesn't make contact).
Fire of Sinai - The user cleanses the target in a baptising flame three to seven times in a row.