Fling Array: BP Item 190 Screw Attack 130 Iron Ball, Football 110 Water Bucket, Lava Bucket, Filled Shadow Box 100 Fern Fossil, Buried Hallows, Effigy of Emptiness, Hard Stone, Seizer Fossil, Cursed Pot, Rare Bone 90 All Plates, Thick Club, Batter Bat, Biggoron's Sword, Great Fairy Sword, Grip Claw, Pocket Moai 80 Assault Vest, Dawn Stone, Dusk Stone, Exhorder Skull, Oval Stone, Quick Claw, Razor Claw, Shiny Stone, Sticky Barb, Weakness Policy, Heavy Duty Boots, Boomerang, Poison Hat Crab, Bombed Boy, Spinning Top, Lamp Oil, Dinner, Yoshi Coin, Blue Coin, Frog Coin, Elemental Orb 70 Dragon Fang, Poison Barb, Voodoo Doll, Plain Spaghetti 60 Damp Rock, Heat Rock, Macho Brace, Rocky Helmet, Stick, Bucket, Snowglobe, Koopa Bathwater, Frooty Juice, Warm Burrito, Toilet Paper Roll, Drifting Con, Myachi, Loaded Dice, Shadow Box, Meat Steak, The Hunk, Blustering Fan 50 Sharp Beak, Luminous Moss, Peach Cheese, Floor Pizza, Ability Shield, Royal Jelly, Punch Glove 40 Eviolite, Icy Rock, Tails' Tails, Love Loupe, Cryberry, All-Night Mask, Soul Lantern, Gas Mask 30 Ability Capsule, Absorb Bulb, Amulet Coin, Antidote, Awakenng, Balm Mushroom, Big Mushroom, Big Nugget, Big Pearl, Binding Band, Black Belt, Black Flute, Black Glasses, Black Sludge, Blue Flute, Blue Shard, Burn Heal, Casteliacone, Cell Battery, Charcoal, Comet Shard, Chrono Trigger, Cracked Orb, Damp Mulch, Dire Hits, Eject Button, Elixir, Energy Powder, Energy Root, Ether, Everstone, Exp Share, Fire Stone, Flame Orb, Float Stone, Fresh Water, Full Heal, Full Restore, Green Shard, Guard Spec., Heal Powder, Heart Stone, Hyper Potion, Ice Heal, King's Rock, Yoshi's Cookies, Leaf Stone, Lemonade, Life Orb, Light Ball, Light Clay, Lucky Egg, Luminous Moss, Magnet, Max Eliir, Max Ether, Max Potion, Max Repel, Max Revive, Metal Coat, Metronome, Miracle Seed, Moomoo Milk, Moon Stone, Mystic Water, Nevermeltice, Pearl, Pearl String, Vinedoll, Potion, Pepsi, Peach Milk, PP Max, PP Up, Rare Candy, Razor Fang, Red Flute, Red Shard, Relic Copper, Relic Silver, Relic Gold, Repel, Revival Herb, Revice, Sacred Ash, Scope Lens, Shell Bell, Hermine Shell, Soda Pop, Spell Tag, Stardust, Star Piece, Sun Stone, Super Potion, Super Repel, Thunder Stone, Tiny Mushroom, Toxic Orb, Twisted Spoon, Water Stone, White Flute, X-Items, Yellow Flute, Yellow Shard, Throat Spray, Weakness Policy, Blunder Policy, Climate Policy 20 Health Wing, Pretty Wing, Covert Cloak 10 Air Balloon, Big Root, Bright Powder, Choice Band, Choice Scarf, Choice Specs, Destiny Knot, Expert Belt, Focus Band, Focus Sash, Lax Incense, Leftovers, Mental Herb, Metal Powder, Muscle Band, Power Herb, Quick Powder, Red Card, Ring Target, Shed Shell, Silk Scarf, Silver Powder, Smooth Rock, Soft Sand, White Herb, Wide Lens, Wise Glasses, Zoom Lens, Mirror Herb, Ability Shield Bonus Interactions Flame Orb Opponent is burned Lava Bucket Opponent is burned Water Bucket Opponent is frozen Boomerang 30% chance to flinch, Boomerang returns at end of this turn instead of end of next turn Football Opponent flinches King's Rock Opponent flinches Razor Fang Opponent flinches Light Ball Opponent is paralyzed Screw Attack Opponent flinches Lamp Oil Opponent is covered in a flammable substance. Causes self-harm if a fire attack is attempted (fire attack doesn't go off) Snowglobe Hail weather is set up Frooty Juice Sunny weather is set up Koopa Bathwater Rain weather is set up Warm Burrito Opponents accuracy is lowered by 3 stages Drifting Con Opponents accuracy is lowered by 2 stages Mental Herb Cures mental health issues Yoshi Coin Causes money to drop after battle (twice as much as Pay Day) Blue Coin Causes money to drop after battle (twice as much as Pay Day) Frog Coin Causes money to drop after battle (twice as much as Pay Day) Poison Barb Opponent is poisoned Toxic Orb Opponent is poisoned Spinning Top Traps opponent in a damage over time wrapping effect Plain Spaghetti Traps opponent in a damage over time wrapping effect Toilet Paper Roll Opponents stat changes set to 0 Throat Spray Silences opponent for 2 turns (sound-based moves can't be used) Snowball Opponent is now the Ice type Tubby Custard Opponents speed is lowered by 2 stages Exhorder Skull Opponent is affected by a curse Royal Jelly Opponents speed and evasion reduced by 1 stage Voodoo Doll Opponent can't receive healing from moves/abilities/held items for 5 turns All-Night Mask Opponent's ability is forcibly changed to Insomnia Dinner Lays down a layer of spikes on the opponents side Air Balloon Opponent is lifted into the air for 3 turns (Telekinesis) Poison Hat Crab Opponent is poisoned Soul Lantern Opponent is burned Floor Pizza Opponents accuracy is lowered by 1 stage, and also has a 50% chance to burn White Herb Opponents stat debuffs reset Biggoron's Sword Fling damage is always critical Batter's Bat Purifies the target, also heal self for 50% of Max HP Myachi Sandstorm weather is set up Quick Claw Fling damage goes first in its own priority bracket. Loaded Dice Attacker sharply increases a random stat Ability Shield Target is protected from attacks this turn (+6 priority) Mirror Herb Attacker copies opponents stat stages Punch Glove Removes barriers and resets defensive stats of the opponent Element Orb Randomly inflicts Burn, Poison, Paralysis, Sleep, or Freeze to the opponent. Blustering Fan Sets up Tailwind on your side of the field Gas Mask Does nothing Covert Cloak Sharply lowers opponents accuracy Pocket Moai Grounds opponent if they're flying type or are levitating